Behind the Scenes of my Summer 2024 collection

As most of you probably know I currently live in a van with my partner Alex and our daughter Forest. This has made working on my business complicated and also expansive.
I get to work from anywhere. I have to work from anywhere whether I like it or not.
I've started a love affair with local libraries and I can tell you which towns along the entirety of the East Coast of Australia have the best and which have the worst (Townsville riverside library is my winner so far with two lagoon-like swimming pools out the front of the library for free public use - the perfect lunch break swim. Mullumbimby was surprisingly the worst). I am immersed in nature more thoroughly than I have ever been in my life. For the last 13 months we have been living a predominantly outdoor lifestyle - and I love it. I have never been so creative, I have never produced so much art, and art that I am deeply proud of, in such a short span of time. I have never had as much business growth as I have this year and I've never felt as connected to my community, as I do now.
I feel so full when I reflect on all the gifts that this year has brought me. And my new collection: A Story of Sun Worship and Witch's Gardens - is truly a reflection of that.
I started this collection in northern NSW, making samples in a friends studio and drawing illustrations in a far flung field with no reception during a rain storm in southern Queensland. I approved samples from the Sunshine Coast (how apt) and then recieved the collection when we arrived in Port Douglas, Far North Queensland. I took my samples to the Daintree Rainforest national Park and that is where my partner, daughter and I took these photos. I now sit in the Mossman library (a very nice little library considering how small this town is) as I write this email and go through all the steps required to launch this collection and get it out to you. Along with me I have my web developer in the Sunshine coast making sure the tech all runs smoothly and my stock manager who is getting everything ready while also moving everything to a new storage site (at very short notice) in Melbourne. Not even to mention the incredibly skilled artisans who craft these beautiful, natural garments for us all to enjoy.
At times it feels like I am doing this alone. Like it is just little me trying to bring this vision to life. And while I am definitely the driving force behind it all, it is comforting to recognise how many people are on my team. And I am grateful for every. Single. One of them.
And especially you. I wouldn't be doing this without you, without your support. Thank you for being on this journey with me.
I hope you love this next collection as much as I do.